Monday 22 June 2009

iPhone 3G S and Adobe Flash...

I couldn't help but wonder, does the "S" in iPhone 3G S (apparently "S" stands for speed) is "S"-enough to run Flash?

I remember processing power being a main reason for lack of support for Flash standard in iPhone. Which is a shame - being definitely one of the best web browsing devices (within mobile phone market at least) lack of support for one of the most popular standard was bit disappointing.

One would hope, that with brand new brain, and extra battery life, Apple would put their game together with Adobe, and at last release support for Flash within Safari. I wouldn't expect however this to be application available within AppStore, it's more likely another iPhone OS which would come with new Safari. Then again I dare to say, that introduction of Flash technology would deserve something more than just 3.1 ... Is it not more of a 4.0 revolution?

Will we have to wait?

iPhone 4G then...?


  1. Adobe has demonstrated that they either can't or won't write Flash on OS X that isn't CPU-hogging and memory-wasting. Remember, OS X also runs on the iPhone. Until Adobe actually puts some commitment into making flash run properly, I don't want it anywhere near my iPhone.

  2. Not only is flash CPU-hungry on Mac, it is just as bad/worse on Linux/Unix. It doesn't make sense though because Linux/Unix operating systems are the fastest; much much faster than Windows. That means that Adobe (previously Macromedia) were lazy and can't write a decent port of Flash. I honestly can't wait for HTML5 to come out. I hope it replaces Flash and the iPhone uses that standard instead of Flash.

  3. lmao, funny how you just defend them, both those companies dont like each other and never will, apple store will be competing directly with flash if they support it, so of course it will never be realeased and that is the reason why, and lol runs on a mac but not linux? lmao.... Macs are based on linux, sounds more like a fan boy to me, oh by the way before you probably say I sound biased, I own an iPhone but reality strikes at one point.
